New nanny initiative to support shift-workers

Tuesday 28 April 2015 Canberra has announced a trial to subsidise the cost of nannies for some families. It’s hoped the new program will provide options for parents who can’t access traditional childcare services. TRANSCRIPT Adele Croker has been a nanny for nine years. She looks after Sofia and Ari for three to four days…

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What is the difference between a registered carer and a approved carer?

What’s the difference and what can you claim? Sometimes you might be forgiven for thinking that child care legislation, benefits and rebates have been made as utterly complicated as possible just so we all give up and don’t bother claiming anything at all. There are so many different options, restrictions and different types of care,…

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nanny lisa

Guest blog: Lisa’s Story

“I have been working as a nanny with my current family for the last five years. My employers are very good at making sure everything is right and done by the books. This includes ensuring I have a fair wage and am paid what I’m worth, paying my tax, superannuation, annual and sick leave, and…

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picnic under tree with lanterns

Australian Nanny Association Special Days

Nanny picnics – multi-city. Nanny Appreciation week – is always the last week in November with many fun social events and interesting speakers. Wednesdays – job posting day in the private Facebook group. Fridays – ‘Dear Nanny Friday’ Ask a nanny a question. This event is hosted on the Facebook public page. National training nights…

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