Rebecca Mcintosh – Daycare Decisions

Want to land that top nanny job? Build your personal brand? Rebecca Mcintosh is your go to gal! We are proud to announce Rebecca will be speaking to our Nanny Convention guests about ‘creating that winning strategy’. Rebecca comes from an extensive careers background as you will read below: Rebecca founded Daycare Decisions, a blog…

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Babybliss – Jo Ryan

Proudly announcing one of our amazing and talented speakers at our Nanny Convention on Saturday 28th of November in Melbourne. BabyBliss is Australia’s best known and most respected parenting support service. Established in 2004 by best-selling parenting author Jo Ryan, BabyBliss provides advice, support and assistance to parents to manage their children’s needs, from newborns…

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Tax breaks on nannies will unleash top female talent

The government says that it wants more women at the top levels of corporate Australia. But the Productivity Commission’s review of the childcare system misses the point when it comes to professional women. The PC pushes a socialist view that a tax break for a salary paid to a nanny will only benefit higher income…

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Nannies and a single payment recommended by childcare report

The Abbott government should extend federal funding to nannies and prioritise childcare support to lower and middle income families with a single, means-tested payment, a major review has found. But Social Services Minister Scott Morrison has cautioned that while the government is considering the nannies move, it needs to be mindful of what this would…

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ABC Radio Nannies

Interview with Annemarie Sanson Vice President of the Australian Nanny Association regarding the Nanny Industry and the release of the Productivity Commission Report for nannies. LISTEN >>

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Govt, Labor meet to discuss childcare

PARENTS will have to hope the government and opposition can agree on a new approach to childcare subsidies if they are to get cheaper and more accessible care with nannies. SOCIAL Services Minister Scott Morrison and his opposition counterparts will meet next week to discuss Productivity Commission childcare recommendations released on Friday. READ MORE>>

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