
The Australian Nanny Association (ANA) is a non-profit professional association and the national peak body representing the Australian nanny community. ANA is hosts Australia’s annual Nanny Convention in line with our Annual General Meeting.

The ANA convention started out with a small AGM and lunch in Melbourne in 2013 then as we grew held our next mini Convention in Sydney in 2014 with a beautiful lunch and a few guest speakers. 2015 we returned to Melbourne and took the convention to a new level with a massive 100+ guests with a full day of speakers and workshops. In 2016 we visited the Gold Coast a huge weekend of fun in the sun and 2017 we returned to Sydney for our biggest convention to date with 3 tracks, 2 nanny tracks and 1 business.

We have an amazing day instore for 2018, plus an agency networking lunch and nanny brunch. We hope to see some new and some old faces return for the largest nanny event in Australia!