Australian Nanny Association (ANA) members play an important role in the provision of childcare in the home for Australian families. This code of conduct outlines the expectations that the ANA has of its members, who must agree to the code of conduct at the time of application. While at this point in time it is not a requirement for nannies or mannies to do so, we suggest that nannies or mannies familiarise themselves with the Early Years Learning Framework and incorporate the five learning outcomes into their practice.
Ensure you maintain a:
- Current and clear working with children check (or state / territory equivalent).
- Current First Aid (Codes: HLTAID003, HTLAID004).
- Current CPR qualification (HLTAID001), updated annually
Loyalty to the Association
- Members shall not publicly criticise the association nor allow or encourage a third party to do so.
- Members shall not make false accusations or insinuations about the association its members or committee.
- Members shall respect and uphold high standards and maintain public confidence in the nanny profession by not engaging in any act or omission likely to damage its reputation or interests.
Relationships with children – the nanny / manny will:
- Ensure that children’s routine needs are met (e.g.: sleep, meals, nappy changing, toileting and bathing).
- Ensure that children’s social and emotional needs are met (e.g.: making sure they feel safe and providing opportunities to interact with other children).
- Â Maintain a safe environment for children at all times taking particular care when out in the community (e.g.: park, museum or supermarket).
- Respect the rights of children, and treat them with dignity.
- Respect children’s personal space, but give comfort / show affection where appropriate.
- Interact with children in a positive, encouraging manner.
- Be a positive role model, modelling appropriate behaviour and language.
- Encourage children to express themselves, and respond respectfully and supportively.
- Provide experiences that assist in the overall development of the child, including experiences that promote the development of self-reliance and self-esteem.
- Incorporate the children’s interests when planning activities and outings.
- Utilise every day experiences as learning experiences (e.g.: discuss colours when buying vegetables, or identifying different types of motor vehicles when on a car trip).
- Help children to develop awareness of their belonging to a community.
- Use positive behaviour guidance techniques (e.g.: praising and encouraging appropriate behaviour).
- n) Never physically discipline a child, handle a child roughly, or speak to a child in a in an aggressive or humiliating manner.
- o) Where child abuse is suspected, take appropriate steps to inform the relevant authorities for the protection of the child/ren. (The ANA committee is available for guidance should a nanny find themselves in this situation).
- Maintain confidentiality in regards to children’s personal or medical circumstances.
Relationships with families – the nanny / manny will:
- Be respectful and courteous in your interactions with the families who employ you, including their extended family.
- Respect, and work within the cultural values and beliefs of families.
- Strive to develop an open, respectful and communicative relationship with families.
- Support the relationships of the children and their families, and support families in their roles raising their children.
- Work collaboratively with families to provide quality care for their children, communicating throughout the day where appropriate.
- Report any accident or injury to a child to the family as soon as practicably possible.
- Take care with the family’s possessions and property, and report any accidental damage to the family as soon as practicably possible.
- When responding to, or raising concerns with families, do so in a respectful and diplomatic manner with an aim to come to a resolution that all parties are comfortable with.
- Refrain from sharing photographs of, or details about children on social media without the clear consent of the family.
- Maintain confidentiality and respect the families right to privacy at all times.
Professionalism: A member nanny / manny will:
- Maintain compliance with ANA membership criteria and provide evidence of compliance when requested by the ANA committee in the case of a random audit.
- Adhere to this code of conduct.
- Adhere to the ANA Facebook group code of conduct.
- Conduct themselves in a professional manner.
- Work within the limits of the role, and refer parents / children to other professionals where appropriate. (e.g.: don’t offer medical advice about children in your care, refer parents to medical professionals).
- Treat colleagues in the nanny community with respect, both in person and on social media.
- Engage in reflective practice, learn from experience and identify areas for improvement.
- Value social equality and diversity in the community.
Nannies and mannies are encouraged to obtain nanny insurance, enrol in an appropriate childcare qualification if they don’t already hold one, and attend professional development opportunities such as workshops or local council parenting information sessions.