Liz Kollias and Rachelle Scott launched The Little Space in 2014. They were frustrated with working from home and were unable to find affordable and appealing co-working space in Sydney Eastern suburbs close to home and work. After the launch of the business, they expanded to offer dedicated event, workshop and meeting space to provide a total ‘platform’ for local businesses and entrepreneurs – with a focus on women like themselves – to develop and run their businesses.  Liz and Rachelle will speak on the experiences of launching and growing a new business, the importance of fostering a support network and a working partnership and overcoming all the challenges along the way.
Liz escaped from the legal profession after 15 long years in practice to establish a Sydney presence for the online learning platform for lawyers – CPD Interactive which she continues from the Bondi Junction HQ of The Little Space.
Knitter, runner and reader – Liz sometimes does all of this simultaneously whilst helping her 3 noisy primary schoolers with their homework. Passionate about genuine workplace flexibility and leadership opportunities for women.
Rachelle has had an eclectic career and has held roles in many work genres. She prides herself on being a ‘go-to’ person and will always go out of her way to help family, a friend or colleagues.
A mother, music lover, sun seeker and self proclaimed homebody, Rachelle will always be on the go and does so in her own quirky and unconventional yet stylish way. Rachelle has experienced first hand the lack of flexibility in the corporate workplace and set about creating grass roots change for women through The Little Space concept.
Website: The Little Space