Some frequently asked questions regarding the Australian Nanny Association
How is the ANA run?
ANA is run by a volunteer committee that includes nannies, agency owners and parents. The volunteers all have full time work, study, or parenting commitments and devote their spare time to running the ANA. No one is paid for their work on the ANA committee.
What does ANA do?
ANA has been active for over 5 years. Apart from setting up the incorporated association from scratch, and the day-to-day running of the association, ANA committee members do the following (and more):
- Arrange and attend meetings with government and opposition ministers to lobby for the funding and acknowledgement of nannies.
- Attend meetings with industry stakeholders for discussions about where nannies fit into the childcare landscape currently, and if nannies are subsidised in the future.
- Take media enquiries and arrange or participate in media stories about nannies and families.
- Maintain and create content for the ANA website and manage the ANA social media accounts.
- Write press releases.
- Engage with public critics of nanny care and ensure they understand what nannies are and how they work.
- Write pieces for industry newsletters.
- Arrange and run the annual general meeting.
- Educate the media and the public on the role of nannies in contemporary Australian childcare.
- Promote professional practice and workplace health and safety in the nanny role.
- Advocate for, and actively work towards, getting the government subsidy extended to nannies.
- Prepare official submissions, for example for the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare.
- Create resources and fact sheets for members.
- Answer questions from members and non-members about the legal requirements and industry standards of nanny care.
How do I become a member?
To join the ANA you will need to complete the appropriate membership form and lodge it along with the membership fee. See our Membership information page. We look forward to welcoming you!
Why does ANA require certain documents for nanny membership?
ANA promotes professionalism, child safety, and quality care in the nanny industry. This means carers having and maintaining a current Working with Children Check, approved first aid certificate and CPR updated annually as a minimum. It is actually illegal to work with children in Australia without a Working with Children Check or equivalent for your state.
What are the benefits of becoming a member?
- You will be recognised as a nanny who takes professionalism and quality standards seriously.
- You will be supporting the nanny industry and the work that the ANA do to benefit everyone involved with it.
- You will be supporting the work the ANA committee does on your behalf, such as making the case for government subsidies for nannies, representing nannies within the media, and creating resources for your use.
- You will receive the ANA newsletter and gain members-first information as it is released.
- You can become part of our members-only Facebook community, where you can network and connect with others.
- Have access to professional support.
- Receive discounts on insurance, first aid and other nanny related activities such as the ANA Nanny Convention.
- Attend the AGM.
- Eligibility to nominate for a position on the ANA Committee.
- Voting rights in committee elections and other ANA business.
Is the membership fee tax deductible?
What support or guidance does ANA offer?
Members are able to post in the members-only Facebook group for discussion and support from peers, including ANA committee members. Members can also email or call ANA to discuss any issues they need support with. The ANA aims to continue to work on compiling information resources to meet the needs of its members.
How are the committee members decided?
Members nominate themselves for committee positions, and nominations are voted on and finalised at the AGM. We encourage all members to get involved on a level they are comfortable with, and we appreciate the support.
How do I become a committee member?
Firstly, you need to be an ANA member. In the lead up to the Annual General Meeting the current committee will release position descriptions and call for nominations. Once you decide which committee role is appropriate for you, fill out a nomination form and provide it to the current committee to be voted on by the members at the AGM.
How is my information used?
The Australian Nanny Association recognises the importance of your privacy, and that you have a right to control how your personal information is collected and used. This Privacy Policy is intended to comply with the Privacy Act 1988.