Is This An Emergency? Ambulance, The Adventures of Toby the Teddy is a self-published hardback children’s picture book that aims to teach the kids of today about 000.
This new resource has been developed by Catherine Buckley and Amelia Harrison, who have backgrounds in primary teaching and paramedicine respectively, in order to subliminally educate kindergarten and primary school aged children as to when and how to call for an ambulance in an emergency.
Although children have been identified as a vulnerable population and one of the most at risk groups for not being able to call for help when required, market research produced no results for a resource such as this. Is This An Emergency? Ambulance aims to facilitate a non-threatening discussion between children and their parents or teachers as to when and how to call upon emergency services.
Toby’s the Teddy’s chief objectives are to:
- Equip all children with the knowledge and understanding of the 000 service so that each and every child has the capacity to save a life.
- Halt the wasting of resources by children prank calling 000 by differentiating between an emergency and non-emergency scenario.
- Provide a child friendly platform for the discussion of emergencies and emergency services between children and their parents or teachers, so the fear of frightening children with this conversation becomes obsolete.